Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran's Day!  I just got back from the parade with my kids.  I found it difficult at times to hold back my tears as I saw and honored the men and women who drove by who had done such a service for our country.  I am truly thankful to our amazing Lord for the country that He has allowed me to live in.  Our government may not be perfect, but at the same time it has a lot to commend it.  Our freedoms did not come easily or peacefully and I truly want to express my gratitude for those who strive and have striven to protect this land.  I pray we use our freemdoms and prosperity to further the fame of the name of Jesus Christ in this world.  One day there will be a perfect "government" - when our Lord Jesus reigns visibly over all of creation.  Until that day we are called to occupy until He comes or calls us home.

Below is a short documentary from the History Channel on the story behind the date we use to honor our veterans, November 11.

Thank you veterans.


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